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Indian Reservation system

  here ,we are going to discuss about on Indian Reservation system.

what is reservation 

 Reservation  is a system of affirmative action in India that provides historically disadvantaged groups representation in education, employment and politics.

History of reservation;

 1 . Before Independence

Firstly , reservation was introduced  in India, before Independence, in British rule. It was basically introduced in Goverment  of India act 1909. In round table conference 1932,a proposal was made to provide separate representation to Muslims , Sikhs,   Anglo Indians and Europians .The depressed classes, roughly corresponding to the STs and SCs, were assigned a number of seats to be filled by election from constituencies in which only they could vote, although they could also vote in other seats. Some like, Mahatma Gandhi was against the proposal while people like B.R Ambedkar pleasantly favoured the proposal. After negotiations, Gandhi reached an agreement with Ambedkar to have a single Hindu electorate, with Dalits having seats reserved within it. Electorates for other religions, such as Islam and Sikhism, remained separate. This became known as the Poona Pact.


After iodependence ,some of the major intiatives were taken in favour of SC,STs and OBCs.In 1954, the Ministry of Education suggested that 20 percent of places should be reserved for the SCs and STs in educational institutions with a provision to relax minimum qualifying marks for admission by 5 percent wherever required. In 1982, it was specified that 15 percent and 7.5 percent of vacancies in public sector and government-aided educational institutes should be reserved for the SC and ST candidates, respectively.The Supreme Court of India ruled in 1992 that reservations could not exceed 50 percent, anything above which it judged would violate equal access as guaranteed by the Constitution. It thus put a cap on reservations.[16] However, the recent amendment of the constitution exceeds 50% and also there are state laws that exceed this 50 percent limit and these are under litigation in the Supreme Court. For example, in the State of Tamil Nadu, the caste-based reservation stands at 69 percent and applies to about 87 percent of the population.

Advantages of reservation

1 Uplifted some of minorities ,untouchable castes and religious segments

upto the main stream of society .

2 Give equal oppurtunities to people belonging to SC,ST and OBC

3 Protected some of the social divisions from discriminations  on the basis of education,jobs etc

4 developed a felling of  equality in various social lower sentiments of society.

5 Reduced the sense of inferiority to high  extent level in some social  classes of  india

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