
Indian Reservation system

    here  ,we are going to discuss about on  Indian Reservation system. what is reservation    Reservation  is a system of  affirmative action  in  India  that provides historically disadvantaged groups representation in education, employment and politics. History of reservation;  1 .  Before Independence Firstly , reservation was introduced  in India, before Independence, in British rule. It was basically introduced in  G overment  of India act 1909.  In round table conference 1932,a proposal was made to provide separate representation to Muslims , Sikhs,   Anglo Indians and E uropians . The depressed classes, roughly corresponding to the STs and SCs, were assigned a number of seats to be filled by election from constituencies in which only they could vote, although they could also vote in other seats. Some like, Mahatma Gandhi was against the proposal while people like B.R Ambedkar pleasantl...
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